In Poles Assessors we are dedicated to provide professional services to companies, self-employed and individuals, as well as to Communities of Owners.
Poles Assessors is a professional company with more than 30 years of experience in tax, labor, accounting and administration services for homeowners’ associations. They have a team of qualified and specialized professionals who provide their clients with the necessary legal, economic and administrative information.
Our team is made up of qualified professionals specialized in tax, labor, accounting and property management and administration.
The main objective that drives our work is to ensure the proper functioning and progress of our clients, and to provide them with the necessary information in the legal, economic and administrative fields.
We offer our customers all the experience we have acquired over the years.
In a context of continuous tax and labor reforms, Poles Assessors aims to make it easier for our clients to comply with these changes.
In Poles Assessors we are very conscious of the problems that exist in all the Communities of neighbors.
Empresa profesional con más de 30 años de experiencia en servicios de asesoramiento fiscal, laboral, contable y administración de comunidades de propietarios.
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